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실용 영어

토익이 좋아하는 단어 500개


토익이 좋아하는 단어 500개


labor: 노동; 일하다 (who ____ed outdoors)
lag: 처지다; 지체 (____ behind the schedule; suffering from a jet ___)
largely: 주로 (due ____ to)
lasting: 지속되는 (leave a _____ impression; have a ____ effect on))
launch: 시작하다 (____ a new sales campaign)
lawsuit: 소송 (to file a ______)
lax: 느슨한 (be ____ in)
lease: 임대하다* (____ a car)
level: 단계, 위치 (he rose to the ____ of the vice president)
likely: 확률이 있는* (it is _____ that; is ___ to)
limited: 제한된 (for a _____ time only)
live: 생방송의 (a ____ broadcast)
local: 지역의 (____ production; ____ high school)
locally: 지역적으로 (prefer to hire _____ than ~ overseas)
lucrative: 수익성이 있는 (a highly _____ business)

mandatory: 필수적인
maintenance: 유지관리 (a regular ____ schedule)
malfunction: 고장 (due to a mechanical ____)
mandatory: 필수의
marginal: 적은 양의  (there is only ____ interest in)
maximum: 최대량 (at the ______; ____ security)
means: 수단 (the preferred ____ of travel; by ____ of)
memoirs: 회고록 (published his ______)
merged: 합병된 (Once _____)
minimum: 최소량 (a ____ of)
misplaced: 잘못 두어진
missing: 분실된, 실종된 (____ luggage; _____ child)
modification: 수정 (make the necessary ______)
monopoly: 독점 (has a ____ on)
monitor: 감시하다 (should ____ the progress of each employee)
mounting: 가중되는 (____ pressure from the public)
mural: 벽화  (the _____ on the wall)
mutually: 상호간에 (reach a _____ beneficial solution)

narrow: 좁히다 (____ down the list of candidates to three)
needs: 욕구 (meet the _____)
negotiations: 협상들 (_____ are under way)
neutrality: 중립성 (her ______ was called into question)
nominate: 공천하다
normal: 정상의 (during the ____ business hours)
notice: 공고, 알아채다.* (X notify the paintings on the wall)
notification: 통보
notify: 통보하다* (___ A of B; ___ A that S+V)
numerous: 수많은 (____ attempts have been made)

objective: 목표 (the _____ of)
observance:  준수 (in _____ of the national holiday)
observe:준수하다 (___ the "no-smoking" sign:금연사인을 지키다)
offer: 제안, 특별 가격 제안 (a promotional _____)
onset: 시작하는 시접 (at the ____ of the game)
openings: 빈 자리 (job _____)
opposing: 상반된 (the ____ point of view)
optimistic: 낙관적인* (is _____ that S+V)
outfit: 의복 (put on a new ____)
outstanding: 뛰어난; 미지급된 (_____ qualifications; an ____ debt)
overcome: 극복하다 (____ this temporary difficulty)
overdue: 연체된  (The library book was 5 days _____)
overhead: 머리 위의 *(the ______ compartment)

participate: 참가하다 (___ in)
participation: 참여 (the _____ of each member)
particularly: 유난히 (are _____ small)
parties: 당사자들 (all interested _____ should contact)
perfect: 완벽한, 최적의 (is the _____ setting for)
periodical: 정기간행물 (____ section)
permit: 허가증 (To purchase a parking _____)
personal: 개인의 (_____ checks)
personally: 개인적으로 (The president ____ welcomed)
persuasively: 설득력 있게 (present arguments ______)
phase: 단계  (at the last _____ of the construction)
portion: 부분, 몫 (this ____ of the city)
potential: 가능한; 가능성 (______ customers/bidders; a full ______)
precipitation: 강수 (temperature and _____ data)
preclude: 사전에 막다
predict: 예상하다 (X many predicts)
premium: 할증금 (insurance _____)
prescription: 처방 (fill the _____)
present: 주다 (will ____ a plaque and a check to)
presiding: 주재하는 (the _____ officer/judge)
presumably: 추측컨대
prevalent: 널리 퍼진 (once so _____ in this province)
primarily: 주로 (made ____ of plastic)
print: 인쇄 (out of ____:절판된)
priority: 우선순위 (the highest ______)
procedure: 절차 (X the required procedural)
proceeding: 진행되다 (The work was ____ as scheduled)
processing: 처리 (for _____ processing)
procrastinate: 게으름을 피우다.
production: 생산(량) (good _____ facilities)
productivity: 생산성 (employee ______)
prohibited: 금지된
promotion: 승진 (He received a ______)
promptly: 신속히 (must be answered _____)
properly: 올바르게 (must be ____ aligned; to function _____)
prospective: 잠재 (_______ buyer/client/customer)
prosperity: 번영 (in times of _____)
protective: 보호용 (____ clothing; ____ equipment)
provide: 제공하다 (A with B)
provision: 대비 (make ____ for)
proxy: 대리인 (You can send your _____ instead)
punitive: 징벌의 (in _____ damages)

qualified: 자격이 되는 (is the better ____ of the two; ____ applicants)
quality: 품질 (____ control: 품질관리)
quarterly: 사분기의 (the _____ earnings report)

raise: 인상(하다); 제기하다 (a pay ____; ___ questions about)
rarely: 거의 ~ 못하다 (____ has the situation been~)
reach: 도달하다 (____ an agreement)
realistically: 현실적으로 (cannot _____ expect)
readily:기꺼이 (___ available: 기꺼이 사용 가능한)
recall: 회수 (issue a ____ notice)
recently: 최근에 (according to a ____ issued government report)
reception: 접대 (at the ______ )
recommendation: 추천 (on the _____ of)
reference: 참조 (in ____ to)
redeemable: 상환 가능한
reduction: 감소* (cost _____)
reference: 참고, 추천 (in _____ to; a letter of ______)
refund: 환불 (a ___ refund: 전액환불)
regarding: ~에 관한
regretably: 후회스럽게도 (we must ____ inform you that S+V)
regular: 정규의 (____ banking hours)
reimbursement: 배상 (request a _____ for; monthly _____)
request: 요구* (All ____ must be made)
required: 필수의 (a ____ tax document)
released: 발표된 (a recently released press report)
reliable: 믿을 만한* (is completely _____)
remainder: 나머지 (for the ____ of the month)
remittance: 송금 (a _____ slip)
remuneration: 보상, 보수 (will give some _____ to)
rendered: 되다 (was ____ useless)
repair: 수리(하다) (the cost of _____)
replace: 교체하다 (A with B)
relatively: 상대적으로 (_____ speaking,)
required: 필수의 (the ____ tax documents)
reservation: 예약 (make a ____)
resignation: 사임 (the _____ of the personnel director)
respect: 존중심* (with _____)
respond: 응답하다 (_____ promptly to the client's request)
response: 응답 (in _____ to)
responsibility: 책임* (environmental and social ______)
responsive: 반응을 보이는 (is ____ to)
restore: 재건하다, 복원되다 (____ to its original condition)
result: 결과 (as a ____ of)
retirement: 은퇴 (a _____ party/banquet; early ______)
retrieval: 복구 (the information _____ system)
reveal: 공개하다 (reveal a strong preference for)
revenues: 수입 (tax ____ over three years)
revised: 개정된* (_____ edition; _____ premium rate)
revolution: 혁명 (caused a ______; a cultural ____)
rich: 풍부한 (a ____ source of information)
rise: 상승; 상승하다 (the ____ in the oil price; on the ____)
risk: 위험률 (run a ____ of; ___ premium 위험수당)
rival: 경쟁자; 경쟁상대의

salary: 급여 (____ history: 연봉 경력)
satisfaction: 만족* (customer ______)
satisfactory: 만족스런 (a ____ excuse/outcome)
savings: 저축 (____ banks)
scrutinize: 면밀히 조사하다 (_____ the vase)
securely: 안전하게* (must be _____ fastened/anchored)
seldom: 거의 ~않는다.  (He ____ comes to the regular meeting)
selection: 엄선된 것들 (includes only a _____ of those retailers who)
separately: 따로 (Each lens is made _____)
service: 서비스* (customer _____ desk)
settlement: 합의 (finally reached a ______)
severely: 심하게 (will be _____ reprimanded for)
share: 몫, 주식, 점유율 (market _____)
significantly: 상당히 (increased ______)
simply: 단순히 (_____ too few; ____ fill out the enclosed form)
skilled: 숙련된 (a ____ labor)
slightly: 약간 (is ____ higher than)
sophisticated: 정교한 (a _____ equipment)
speeding: 과속 (was ticketed for _____)
specific: 구체적인 (for more _____ information)
spending: 지출 (the development ______)
sponsor: 후원자; 후원하다
stable: 안정적인 (remained _____)
staff: 스탭진 (X all staffs)
standards: 기준 (safety _____)
stir: 휘젓다 (thoroughly ____ the mixture)
stock: 물량 (out of ____)
stockholder: 주주 (the company's _____)
strategic: 전략적인 (a _____ objective of the company)
strategy: 전략 (a creative advertising ___; an effective marketing ___)
streamline: 간소화하다.  
striking: 놀라운 (_____ difference between them)
strongly: 강력히 (it is _____ recommended that S+V)
subject:* 가능한* (is ____ to change)
subscription: 구독 cf.  subscribe to ~에 구독하다.
substantial: 상당한 (a ____ amount of)
successful: 성공적인 (X to highly successive careers)
sufficiently: 충분히
superior: 월등한 (is ____ to)
sure: 확실한* (X make surely that)
surprise: 놀람 (taken by ____)
surprisingly: 놀랍게도 (is ____ low in fat)
surrounding: 둘러싼* (in the ______ area)
suspicious 의심하는 (be _____ of)

tax: 세금 (sales ____ on)
telecommunications: 정보통신 (______ industry)
tentative: 임시의 (discussing a _____ agreement)
temporarily: 일시적으로 (was ____ suspended; is ____ closed)
terms: 용어들 (in the strongest possible ____)
timely: 적기의 (in a ____ manner)
toll: 요금 (____ collection: 요금 징수)
transaction: 거래 (was charged for each ____)
transcribe: 받아 적다 (had her ____ the minutes)
transfer: 전근 (put in for a _____: 전근을 신청하다)
transferable: 양도 가능한 (The tickets are not _____ to)

unanimous: 만장일치의 (a ____ support/decision)
unbiased: 편견 없는 (an ____ opinion/advice)
understanding: 이해심이 많은 (for being so ______)
updated: 개정된 (____ report/edition/manual)
unlimited: 무제한의 (____ mileage/access)
unoccupied: 차지된 (remained ______)
unusually: 이례적인 (____ high staff turnover)
user-friendly: 사용이 편리한 (_____ computer software)

vacant: 비어 있는 (X vacancy lot)
valuables: 귀중품 (Do not leave any ______ unattended)
vary: 다양하게 변하다. (the results may _____ depending on~)
varied: 다양한
ventilation: 환기 (good ______)
vested: 기득의 (___ interest: 기득권)
voluntarily: 자원해서

waiver: 면제 (request a _____)
wane: 쇠퇴 (on the _____)
warranty: 보증 (comes with a limited five-year ______)
willing: 의지가 있는 (is ____ to help; ____ to buy)
workload: 업무량 (a heavy _____)
written: 서면 상의 (a ____ confirmation/notification)

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