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실용 영어

He was blinded by money.

He was blinded by money.

그는 돈에 눈이 멀었어요.


A: Did you hear about the muderer case?


    그 살인 사건 얘기 들었어?


B: Yes, I wonder how that man could have committed

    such a crime.


    응. 어떻게 그런 범행을 저지를 수 있었을까?


A: He was blinded by the insurance money.


    그는 보험금에 눈이 멀었어.


A: Don't forget you shouldn't be blinded by the money

    in your new job.


    새 직장에 있으면서 돈을 탐하면 안 된다는 걸 잊지 마.


B: Don't worry. It's not the money I'm interested in.


    걱정하지 마. 돈은 내 관심사가 아냐.